

  • Qinyang Xingmeng Paper Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • Contact person:Manager Song15803917158
  • Contact person:Manager wang 15939112734
  • Email:sbz15803917158@163.com
  • Address:Fubei industrial district Qinyang City, Henan Province,China
Your location:Home > Pulping equipment
Medium concentration pressure screen

Product Details:


  1. Multi-wing block design, no winding, gentle pulse, clean screen, high pulse frequency, large capacity

  2, medium-concentration screening (Max. 4%), reducing water consumption in the production process, with obvious energy-saving effect, small screen drum area with the same capacity, low investment and maintenance costs

  3. Less concentration increase in the screening area, high screening efficiency and long life of the screen drum

  4. Equipped with automatic oil injection device and mechanical seal water flow monitoring device, reserved DCS interface (bearing temperature rise, vibration detection), high degree of automation

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